Roguelike Game Instructions
Basic Controls
- ↑↓←→ Move your character
- G Pick up items
- I Use/equip items
- > Go down stairs
- ESC Game menu
Game Elements
- @ Your character
- ! Potions
- /[ Weapons/Armor
- > Stairs down
- # Walls
- , Suspicious floor tile (might be a trap!)
- ∩ Revealed pit trap
- r Rat (weak)
- g Goblin
- o Orc
- T Troll (strong)
- D Dragon (boss)
- Explore each level to find items and gain experience
- Equip weapons and armor to increase your combat effectiveness
- Use health potions when your HP is low
- Some enemies are too strong to fight early - run away!
- Enemies get stronger as you descend deeper into the dungeon